
Travel addict, iPhone photographer, Scandinavian connoisseur. Welcome to my travel life.

“Bags and Boots”

This moniker was mostly inspired by living out of a travel suitcase, which taught me how little in life you actually need. Luxury isn’t a pile of nice things you haul around, it’s the experience of new people and exploring new places. 

I started taking photos many years ago to document my travels for myself and to keep my parents and friends informed on what I was doing.

If anything, I hope what you can find on here is a good time and inspiration to explore outside of the box as much as possible – and to not only travel to countries, but to connect with them.

“I travel not to go anywhere but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The greatest affair is to move”

— Robert Louis Stevenson

Advocacy & Sustainable Development

Sierre Leone : Help2Overcome

Communities and humans desire the same things - peace, safety, and comfort in their surroundings. Learn more about Matthew’s work in Sierra Leone in sustainable development of safe housing and sanitation.

Sierre Leone FAWE toilet projects with

In the summer of 2018 and 2019, I helped install toilet facilities at 2 all-girls primary and secondary schools. The result? Improved sanitation and reduced risk of disease for over 1000 girls. Click on the videos below to learn more 👇

2018 toilet Project

2019 toilet project